Saturday, November 21, 2009


Alright... im sorry everybody if im getting you bored with a lot of guitar music blah blah topics but this guitar THIS GUITAR is a MUST SEE this guitar is amazing, its just an amazing piece of art it is really impressive, the day i saw this guitar on internet i couldn't believe it was real but it is! there is not many of this around the world that i know i don't even think there is more than one. But i don't know Christina may wanna kill me after i say this but this guitar is sexy!!!! haha oh well so i leave the picture here, admire it, stare at it and that's all i can say, i dream one day i will get to hold it!


  1. Sexy isn't a dirty word.

    It's a pretty cool guitar. Is it really playable? Is it made from some old sword or something?

  2. it is playable! and its made out of wood but the paint job is really good and it has that old gold effect on it and its ment to look like a sword with wings! its impressive.
